One day in November 2020, I was redesigning my resume. I already had embarked on the usual routine: Gather data, write, edit, move sections into a nice, crisp layout. Then it hit me. I remembered an article I had read a few years ago. A piece about a resume turned into a chatbot. Bots had sparked my curiosity since they became a thing in the mid-2010s. I had always wanted to build one by myself. What I missed, was a strong use case. Up to now!
Resumes are an important part of the job hunt. Yet, they are not very engaging. And in a market where recruiters struggle to review hundreds of resumes, that is a problem – for me, the job seeker. I wanted to create a more compelling introduction to myself as a person. One that would help me stand out from the crowd.
Using basic conversation design principles, I set out to build a resume bot. The bot now welcomes visitors to my portfolio page.
What I did
Well, everything 😊. I worked on all aspects of the chatbot design, including:
• Finding a technical solution
• Sketching the chatbot's persona
• Planning the dialogue flow
• Writing the script